CNT Innovation

About us

The CNT Innovation team is formed of experts with a vast experience in innovation management support of multinational companies, SMEs and research institutions, individually or in European funded consortiums, especially related to commercialisation of nanomaterials.

Through the work that have been carried out at the sister company CNT Ltd in Cambridge, we have been involved in the following European funded projects:

UltraWire, NanoLeap, EPPN Project n-TRACK; OYSTER; M3DLoC Genesis; Repair3D; APOLO; and current projects; Carbo4Power (; DOME 4.o (; TriAnkle (; NanoMECommons (; AM4BAT ( and BATTwin.

CNT organised “Intellectual Property Rights Management” training workshop for the ITN BORGES project and “IP protection for start-ups” training for entrepreneurial school “From Academia to Industry” for the ITN POLYTHEA project.

CNT is involved in development and organisation of Summer Schools training programmes for external PhD students and postdocs in H2020 project M3DLoC and Repair3D. CNT conducted training workshops on intellectual property protection, patenting, and business planning at M3DLoC, Repair3D and APOLO Summer Schools.

CNT has created a virtual exhibition place dedicated to support commercialisation of nanomaterial applications called nanoMATexpo, Here you can visit the Projects developing various nanomaterials applications or browse the exhibition place under various Thematics, The Virtual Expo tool has been created to boost exploitation and dissemination activities of the collaborative R&D projects where CNT participate, as for example M3DLoC, Repair3D, Oyster, Graphosite, Genesis, n-TRACK and APOLO.